Monatomic State is an embryonic record label for fringe artists who don't get looked at by the majors, typically because the messages in their songs don't fit ‘the corporate narrative’
What is meant by that you may ask?
Well if you own the world's biggest pharma companies and you own the world media, are you going to badmouth any misdeeds by the pharmas, or publicize any side effects of their drugs in the press, or on 'the news'?
Of course not.
In the same vein, if you also own the worlds biggest record labels (Sony, Warner, Universal etc.), why give a platform to a band who through their songs raise questions about the Covid scandal?
Monatomic State is open to supporting and signing independent artists who, through their songs, attempt to raise awareness of environmental and social injustices. The Cides are the first such signing.
Resonate with you? Get in touch.
Lyrics: Isabelle Sanz – Vocals, Music, Instruments, Arrangements: Alain Hiot
De par sa nature, l’Être Humain, a tendance à oublier
Par respect, pour toutes ces personnes, qui se sont battues et sacrifiées, pour nous, le peuple, nous avons le devoir, de nous souvenir et, de leur rendre ‘Hommage’ éternellement.
By their nature, Human Beings tend to forget
Out of respect, for all these people, who fought and sacrificed, for us, the people, we have the duty to remember and pay ‘Homage’ to them eternally.