You Want it Darker

This song is about Leonard Cohen's struggles and eventual reconciliation with faith as he faces death. In the song, he doesn't really doubt that God exists. Rather, he struggles with doubt that God is good. It’s solemn and chilling and the moment I heard it I knew I would do a cover one day.


The 'flame' referred to in this song is the effect that Jesus and Mary Magdelene had on igniting the ‘awakeness’ of the people and making them challenge:

  • the dogmatic beliefs of the heads of the Jewish faith

  • the tyranny of the Roman occupation

So in the song 'we kill the flame' refers to getting rid of these 'anarchists' who refuse to accept the control structures. Mary was vilified and Jesus crucified.

Mary was often referred to as 'the blue of the flame'.

Leonard knows he's in his 'twilight time' and is questioning, God’s religion and the afterlife.

Born of Jewish parents in Canada his songs tell us he flirted with Judeo-Christian religious imagery and references in both the old and New Testaments.

Leonard struggled with the 'God Paradox'.

One minute God is commanding "Thou shalt not kill" and next he's giving clear instructions to carry out Genocide.

Such was he troubled by the contradictions, he sought solace in Jesus Christ who advocated love and forgiveness. For me thats why he says "I'm ready my Lord (Jesus)" when he was ready to transition.

I was confused by the God Paradox too, until some research revealed that there are two Gods - one of Love and one of Evil, and the Testaments, deliberately it seems, mixes and matches them so we are confused about God's intentions.

Watch our video to find out some truth about God, Jesus and Mary and the lies we are fed from the Vatican.


This track is free to download, but if you fancy supporting us you can buy us a beer – cheers!


Composer Lyricist – Leonard Cohen (Columbia Records)

Guitars: Perry Peredur ap Gwynedd, Yannick Tournier, Paul Hayward
Strings: Paul Hayward and Alain Hiot
Bass:  Yannick Tournier
Drums: Brice Sansonetto
Piano: Paul Hayward and Alain Hiot
Lead Vocals: Paul Hayward
Backing Vocals: Sandra Bullet and Benz
Creative Support: Special thanks to Steve 'Shonkers' Shone and Fredo for Bass.

Recorded and Mixed: Yannick Tournier at WAITI Studios
Mastered: Christophe Chapelle at Sinetracks

Produced: Paul Hayward
Published: Cherry Red Songs London

Director: MrGlen
Executive Producer: Paul Hayward
Creative Director: Caroline Tennent
Creative Support: Cedric at Undergang