You Want it Darker
The lyrics



If you are the Dealer, I'm out of the game
Having some understanding of the teachings of the Mystics and Quantum Scientists, Leonard recognises that we live in a'probability universe' where each one of us is to a large degree randomly 'dealt' a life journey. Leonard is saying that if a 'God' that allows acts of inhumanity and suffering to be carried out in his name is dealing the cards, he'd rather not play.

If you are the Healer, it means I'm broken and lame
Leonard recognises that 'God' was marketed as an agent of healing whereas the Testaments are full of contradictions  describing 'God' as the destroyer, the purveyor of great suffering and human sacrifice. If 'God's'  'healing'  means acceptance of this destruction and suffering, by default, those who do not accept it must be 'broken and lame'  - they need to be 'healed'.

If thine is the glory then mine must be the shame
If God and all his ways are to be recognised as glorious then those who question the suffering he oversees must be shameful.

Vilified, crucified,  in the human frame
Jesus and Mary were vilified by both the Romans and the Jewish Hierarchy. Jesus was mocked as the King of the Jews and a phoney prophet; Mary's teachings were dismissed and she was described as a repentant whore.

You want it Darker -  We kill  the flame
As if Jesus had not suffered enough at the hands of the authorities, now 'God' wants it darker. He wants the Jesus Mary flame extinguished. God has no intention of coming to save Jesus at the last minute.

There's a Lover in the story – But the story's still the same
Despite there being strong evidence that Mary the mother of Jesus was having an affair with a man some 40 years younger than the infertile Joseph her husband, the story stays the same: Jesus was conceived by divine intercourse, no sex involved.

There's a lullaby for suffering  – And a paradox to blame
All the horror done under the eyes and direction of 'God'  is camouflaged and we are conditioned  (lullabied) into accepting it with pageantry, pomp, hymns and religious promises of 'heaven'.


If you are the dealer
I'm out of the game
If you are the healer
It means I'm broken and lame

Magnified, sanctified
Be thy holy name
Vilified, crucified
In the human frame
A million candles burning
For the help that never came

You want it darker, We kill the flame

Hineni hineni, I'm ready Lord  

There's a lover in the story
But the story's still the same
There's a lullaby for suffering
And a paradox to blame
But it's written in the scriptures
And it's not some idle claim 

You want it darker, We kill the flame

They're lining up the prisoners
And the guards are taking aim
I struggled with some demons
They were middle-class and tame
I didn't know I had permission
To murder and to maim

You want it darker, We kill the flame

Hineni, hineni, I'm ready Lord

Magnified, sanctified
Be thy holy name
Vilified, crucified
In the human frame
A million candles burning
For the help that never came

You want it darker, We kill the flame
You want it Darker, Hell You want it Darker

Magnified, sanctified
Be thy holy name
Vilified, crucified
In the human frame
A million candles burning
For the help that never came

You want it darker, We kill the flame
You want it darker, We kill the flame

Composed by Leonard Cohen