This is a forum where we report stories and facts the mainstream media doesn’t want you to see. Differences of opinion aren’t silenced here but are healthily aired in open debate.

Should we forgive and forget child sexual abuse (CSA) at Christmas?

Those who say yes:

• Christmas is a time for family and celebration, feelings of being out of step should be put aside

• Christmas is only a few days, rejoice and be merry!

• The Catholic Church believes the pope has the right to forgive abusers 

Those who say never:

• Victims and survivors of CSA are left with the effects from trauma which don’t leave just because it’s Christmas, feelings of anxiety and depression may intensify

• Until victims feel listened to, believed and find closure through support and justice, how can they forgive and forget?

Christmas is a time when we are constantly bombarded with images and scenes from advertisers of perfect family celebrations. However, many people struggle with the pressure and expectations this makes them feel for various reasons, one being sexual abuse as a child.

The Cides believes that those who have survived CSA deserve to have family support, they deserve to have their experience acknowledged, listened to and believed and seek justice and closure before they can begin to forgive and forget. THe Cides ‘Forgive and Forget at Christmas’ is a holiday song for just about anybody. It explores the virtues of forgiveness but the video gave The Cides the opportunity to draw attention to the abuse of children – to draw a line between 'the Forgivable' and 'the Unforgivable'. The first £1,000 earned from this track will be donated to HAVOCA, they will receive 50% of all earnings thereafter.

Sunak – Doing his bit for the New World Order

Those for Rishi Sunak as prime minister may say:

• Sunak will be the best man to fix the economy.

• Indians are happy, the India-Britain ties will strengthen

• He will turn the country around

Those against Rishi Sunak as prime minister may say:

• He has been groomed by the global elites

• Sunak is a WEF puppet and will work for them and not the people of the UK

• Sunak will bring in the financial reset and then leave the position.

Rishi Sunak became the UK’s Prime Minister on the 24th of October 2022, the third PM in just seven weeks.

The Cides not only believe that the show of chaos from the government was intentional in an attempt to hide the fact that Sunak was always to be playing his role for the global agenda, while he ushers in the financial side of the Great Reset.

Has the vaccine campaign been a crime against humanity?

Those for the vaccine say:

• We need to be vaccinated to stop the spread of COVID

• Without the vaccine, my COVID symptoms would have been worse.

• I had the vaccine to go on holidays and events and to get back to normality.

Those against say:

• The vaccine has been proven unsafe in clinical trials and monitoring systems, showing it should have been withdrawn due to the thousands of adverse effects and deaths it has caused.

• Health organisations and policymakers knew it wasn’t safe or effective yet chose to continue putting lives in danger.

• Those leaders pushing for the vaccine uptake, do not intend for us to return to normality

Experimental COVID-19 vaccines from pharmaceutical companies were touted as being “safe and effective” for the prevention of transmission of COVID and given Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) back in December 2020.  Early on in the vaccine campaign, it was evident the vaccines were not safe, yet this fact was ignored by leaders and policymakers who continued administering it regardless.

The Cides believe that those still pushing for individuals to have the jab already knew that it was dangerous and had caused adverse effects and deaths. Therefore this intervention has been a deliberate crime against humanity.

Top UK doctor calls for suspension of the COVID mRNA vaccine – too little, too late

Those who think it’s a valiant effort say:

• Malhotra has highlighted that the vaccine is perhaps not so “safe and effective”

• The call for suspension of the vaccine, has encouraged other doctors to speak out

• Dr Malhotra is right that the data should be made available

Those who think his call has come too late may say:

• They agree, but it’s come much too late.

• Malhotra’s prior knowledge of the corrupt medical system should have alerted him earlier to what was occurring within the vaccine campaign.

• Enough data and reports of adverse events and deaths following the vaccine existed already, he’s is not revealing anything new, so why now?

Consultant cardiologist Aseem Malhotra has penned a two-part review which has led to him calling for the suspension of the COVID vaccine until complete data is available from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer.

The Cides believes that although this is a welcome call, Dr Malhotra has spent years of his career revealing the corruption within the medical system, including, the vested interests, the bias, and doctor and patient misinformation. Malhotra’s platform could have enabled him to inform and possibly prevent the coercion of many of the millions of individuals who have already taken that vaccine.

The Spanish Civil War

Those for say:

• The Workers and peasants had to defend themselves against a brutal coup

• Fighting for the chance of a better life was better than enduring the impoverished existence they were used and Franco’s Fascistic governance

Those against say:

• The monarchy is divinely placed in the role of ruler and therefore should remain in that position

• The Catholic church is defending the position of the absolute ruler and going against them is going against God

• Suffering and starving are attributes of a good Catholic and must be endured, not fought against

The Cides believes that the Spanish Civil War (1936 –1939) was a result of the people waking up to the centuries where religious propaganda had been used to control them. The newly formed republic fought against a coup from Franco back by the ruling elite - the church and monarchy, that kept them impoverished and barely surviving.

Is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus trustworthy?

Those for say:

• He has many years of experience as the Federal Minister of Health for Ethiopia

• Tedros led a “comprehensive reform of his countries health system

• He does not discriminate and says his “vision” is health, “not just for some, but everyone, everywhere”

Those against say:

• Tedros is a high -ranking member of a political party the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) who have been blacklisted as a terrorist organisation

• He Implemented the ideology of his political party while in ministerial positions

• While in his Ethiopian ministerial positions, Tedros was accused of committing crimes against humanity, violating human rights and discrimination

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been at the helm of the WHO since 2017 and in the position to declare Covid-19 as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Since then, he has guided international interventions and measures,  alerted us to supposed  “variants” and yet another PHEIC namely Monkeypox.

The Cides believes that although Tedros hopes to govern the health of all nations, he already has the ability to turn the majority of the world into turmoil, but there is reason to believe the Director General cannot be trusted to be in this position.

An overview of Monkeypox

Those for say:

• Is typically seen in central and western African countries. But is now being spread throughout other countries including UK and USA

• Is now being seen mostly in young men especially those with multiple sexual partners” who hadn’t previously travelled to Africa”

Those against say:

• If Monkeypox is a Sexually transmitted, then there would be no need for the declaration or measures

• There is a probable link with Moneypox and the Mrna vaccinations

• The orchestrators are utilising yet another pandemic scenario to usher in their plans for the New World Order

Tedros ignored the lack of consensus and 23 July 2022 announced in a press conference following the meeting that he, himself “decided” the global monkeypox “outbreak” represents a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

The Cides believes that the Monkeypox is in fact something more sinister and is also yet another exercise in bringing us nearer to a tyrannical one world governance.

Was the Monkeypox outbreak pre-planned?

Those for the exercise say:

• The world was unprepared for the COVID virus, it is beneficial to be prepared with strategies to stop the spread of any potentially infectious diseases early on

• The fact that the fictitious pandemic was Monkypox and there was allegedly a worrying spread of Monkeypox a few months later, shows that these key players know what they are doing and were right to get prepared

Those against say:

• It was a rehearsal for the pre-planned monkeypox outbreak that was announced a few months later

• The exercise was said to have had ‘key players’ and representatives from the Wellcome Trust and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation among others who have now shown themselves to have a vested interest in overexaggerated outbreaks and diseases

We all now know about the tabletop scenario Event 201 which was said to have used a fictitious Coronavirus to examine how global organisations would respond in the event of a deadly pandemic. Well, a similar exercise was conducted in March 2021, namely a “Tabletop Exercise on Reducing High-Consequence Biological Threats,”  organised by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference (MSC) to “examine gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures.”

The Cides believes that the exercise used a scenario using a Monkeypox outbreak, and a few months later the WHO announced… a Monkeypox outbreak! This seems rather suspicious, particularly due to the same thing occurring with Event 201 and the “COVID” pandemic.

The Police Bill -  a step further towards tyranny

Those for say:

• Protests are an unnecessary nuisance that divert police resources away from the communities where they are needed most

• Protests have previously caused certain parts of the country to grind to a halt extra police powers are needed to enable them to be disbanded

• Protests may cause a disturbance, noise and vandalism and those guilty of these acts should receive punishments

Those against say:

• The government are using the police for a partisan power grab

• Protests are the essence of A democracy, allowing the voices of the people to be considered in policymaking

• It is dangerous that laws are being enforced violating our human rights and at a time when the people need protecting from a state dictatorship that the UK is fast becoming

The Cides believe that the Police, Crime and sentencing Bill will give the police an unwarranted and dangerous level of control. Through the government’s push for more control and power, the police are being utilised to silence dissenting voices and criminalise non-criminal acts. Protests are democratic and are a human right. The consequences of preventing them could result in a dictatorship and tyrannical governance.

The New Totalitarian Currency

Those for say:

• The currency would be reliable in that it retains its value over time without the volatility that is experienced with cryptoassests

• A digital currency could make payments faster, cheaper and safer

• CBDCs are issued and regulated by familiar monetary authorities of each country

Those against say:

• There is no privacy in a centralized system

• Surveillance of our finances will amass a huge amount of data that is in danger of being misused

• CBDCs can and will be programmable, meaning they can be utilised on the masses as a behaviour control tool, allowing a Chinese-style social credit system to easily be put in place

The Cides believe that by introducing a programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), global leaders will have totalitarian control threatening our privacy and access to our own finances and will violate our human rights. We must resist this move now.

Government legislation violates human rights

Those for say:

• Rules and measures are necessary in order to help prevent the spread of a virus

• Legislation that gives the police extended powers will stop the prolonged disruption of access to any essential goods or essential services

• The government have our best interest at heart and any changes in legislation reflect this

Those against say:

• By extending police powers, the government are criminalising non-criminal actions

• Legislation that primarily seeks to prevent protests are not adhering to our inalienable human rights and does not belong in a democratic society

• The government doesn’t have our best interests at heart but is enforcing authoritarian rules to benefit bureaucracies and oligarchies to our detriment

The Cides believe that since the start of the COVID pandemic the government has brought in legislation that has increased rules and regulations and violated our human rights. As a result, the UK is closer to being a dictatorship than ever before strengthening the cage that the bureaucracies have created for us.

Anarchy in the UK – finally!

Those for say:

• Higher level of freedom and autonomy to do as you please without permission from an authority

• The people are equal and have the power to make decisions in the country in a democratic consensus

• Anarchy advocates mutual aid, respect for others and strengthens the social cohesion

Those against say:

• It can end in chaos, lack of police protection, gives feelings of insecurity

• Depreciation of local currency and insufficient investment in countries with anarchic regimes

• Someone will take the leadership eventually

The Cides believes that the government has increasingly become more authoritarian during the last two years under the guise of preventing the spread of a virus, this we predict, is only going to get worse and Anarchy in the UK is exactly what is required now.

Russia the evil or Russia the misportrayed?

Those for say:

• Putin has reacted to the broken promises of NATO who have continued to expand eastward

• Russia must protect its citizens from the effects of American biolabs installed on their borders

• NATO surrounds Russia’s borders with nuclear missiles, the USA has shown they would have reacted if it was the other way round

Those against say:

• Putin is a Warmongering Bully who is attempting to dominate Europe by force

• Ukraine is a threatened democracy and NATO supports them and is no threat to Russia

• NATO is there to safeguard its members from Putin and his aggressive land grabs

The Cides believe every country community has the right to peaceful self-governance without the interference of any 'superpower' be it USA, China or Russia for its own self interests. We wish for an immediate ceasefire and peace in the Ukraine.

Lukashenko bribed to impose COVID measures

Those for say:

• These organisations were right to only give COVID Relief Aid to those countries that adhered to the preventative measures

• Lukashenko was lying

Those against say:

• Lukashenko alerted us to the fact that countries were being bribed to go along with the elite’s planned agenda

• Lukashenko knew that the COVID interventions were unnecessary and harmful

• Lukashenko is more trustworthy than our government and cannot be bought

The Belarusian Telegraph Agency reported in the summer of 2020, that Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko revealed the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Lukashenko issued him a quid pro quo demand. He was offered $940 million in the form of ‘Covid Relief Aid’ in return he must impose an ‘extreme’ lockdown, tight curfews and enforce a police state and the wearing of facemasks and an economic crash.

The Cides believe that President Lukashenko was brave to speak out and to refuse the demands and wishes that the leaders of all nations had his integrity.

Live facial recognition

Those for say:

• The College of Policing are ensuring consistency across England and Wales when using live facial recognition (LFR) technology

• LFR can find missing individuals or those potentially at a risk of harm

• Criminals wanted by the police can be located by the surveillance and subsequently arrested (source)

Those against say:

• Sensitive data is collected indiscriminately when simply in range of the camera

• Possible data protection issues and human rights violations, particularly for children

• The LFR algorithms could be biased and lead to unfair treatment of individual’s data

• Dystopian “Big Brother” style surveillance system

5G - the criminally insane experiment

Those for say:

• Connectivity infrastructure promises to deliver wireless network speeds as much as 100 times faster than the current 4G standard

• Hyperspeed will enable a variety of new technologies to become commonplace and more advanced

• Advances in technology, such as Artificial intelligence (AI) (source)

Those against say:

• Increased radiation from Electro Magnetic Fields

• The increased risk of “Microwave Syndrome” and ill health including cancer and death

• Detrimental to all life on earth. Including plants, insects, animals and humans with children being particularly vulnerable

The telecommunications industries covertly rolled out 5G from the beginning of the Covid crisis. Although there are benefits to be enjoyed from hyper-speed connectivity, we believe we cannot ignore it’s potentially detrimental effects.

PCR tests - was it a biased narrative?

Those for say:

• The Government has employed experts, we trust their scientific findings

• The PCR tests were not flawed, I tested positive when I had COVID, as did my friends and family etc

• Conspiracy theorists are spreading dangerous misinformation, and the Mail Online are irresponsible for even repeating their nonsense!

Those against say:

• It is long overdue; the Mail are guilty of biased publishing

• Despite the fact that PCR tests inflated “cases” exponentially, the Mail Online added to the incitement of fear in the country

• The Mail has reported only that which has been spoon-fed to them by the government and ignored other scientific opposition, this is normally only observed in dictatorships.

On the 12th of April 2022, the Daily Mail Online shared an investigation which led to them questioning whether the ‘science’ touted by the government concerning COVID was flawed. In particular, they queried if flawed PCR tests convinced us Covid was worse than it really was and were the ‘conspiracy theorists’ right all along. The Cides believes the Daily Mail should have carried out this investigation two years ago, instead, they, along with other media outlets, published a biased narrative.

The WHO’s power grabbing treaty

Those for the treaty say:

• The WHO is a recognised organisation and can be trusted to enforce policies for the world population

• Health information and subsequent interventions and guidance are better to come from one organisation, as it enables worldwide nations to act in lockstep to prevent the spread of infectious diseases

Those against say:

• We cannot allow all health information and guidance to come from one source, especially when that source has shown a history of exaggerating infections and advising harmful measures

• The WHO was not elected into this position by the people, we will lose our sovereignty by giving them this power over us

• The WHO are biased due to its primary source of funding – the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which benefit from ‘pandemics’ and the intervention of vaccines

The World Health Organization (WHO) is drafting a Global Pandemic Treaty on Pandemic Preparedness. According to the WHO, this aims to protect the world from future “infectious diseases crises.”

The Cides believe that by enabling this plan to go ahead, we will be handing over our sovereignty to an unelected body. The pandemic treaty is a power-grabbing move essentially, using health issues to sneak in the one-world government.

Are you ready for The New World Order?

Those for say:

• There is a pledge to make the future world more resilient, more sustainable and more inclusive (source)

• Global change can come faster bringing us 21st and 22nd century technology

• We will be happy according to Klaus Schwab (source)

Those against say:

• We will own nothing

• A top-down governance plans to make digital identities a necessity, allowing complete control over our finances and ultimately control over our “transhuman” lives (source)

Digital ID’s and surveillance will mean the end of our privacy, human rights, and civil liberties as we know them

Discussions took place on March 29th and 30th on how to shape our future for the NWO at the World Government Summit (WGS2022).

Intimate personal violence - that’s not love!

Those for televising say:

• If IPV can happen to Johnny Depp it can happen to anyone, helping others feel they are not to blame and are not alone

• Depp has shown that men too experience IPV and should not be afraid to tell someone and get the help they need without discrimination

Those against say:

• Those who have been a victim of IPV should feel they can seek help, and be listened to and believed, Amber Heard has been vilified and called a liar, which may discourage others from coming forward

Almost weeks of daily global coverage of Johnny Depp’s defamation trial against his ex-wife Amber Heard coincided with our recently released track  “That’s not love.” Heard had accused Depp of sexual and physical abuse, however Johnny Depp claimed that it was Amber Heard who had been the abuser in their relationship.

The Cides believes that everyone deserves love and respect and should not have to suffer abuse from anyone. The highly publicised trial has brought the subject of intimate partner violence (IPV) to the fore which may encourage anyone who is experiencing it to seek help and know that it can happen to anyone.

Return of the Face Mask in Schools

Those for televising say:

• It’s only a mask!

• Teachers who have acted responsibly by wearing masks and getting triple jabbed to prevent infection from COVID are now risking their health due to selfish maskless children.

• Why should others lose out on their education due to teachers’ absences, all children should be forced to wear face masks.

Those against say:

• There’s no point, over 30 years of scientific evidence and up-to-date studies show face masks do not prevent the transmission of respiratory viruses.

• Face masks risk children’s mental and physical health according to research. School teachers have ignored the evidence, and failed to do risk assessments yet due to their own irrational fear continue to want a mandated intervention that harms the children!

Several schools in England are asking that pupils aged 11- to 18-year-old wear facemasks in schools again due to a reported spike in staff absences that they attribute to COVID infections.

The Cides believes that it is not only an unnecessary intervention that has been scientifically proven to be of no use, but is also causing children harm and we therefore agree with Molly Kingsley, of the parents’ campaign group UsforThem who says that: “To consider bringing back any form of restriction on children at this stage shows a wicked disregard for child welfare and must be stopped! 

The Coronavirus Act March 2020

Those for say:

• The act received royal assent on the 25th of March 2020 (source)

• Governmental powers were granted to limit the transmission of COVID

• Interventions were to ease the burden on public health services

• Those economically affected, received assistance (source)

Those against say:

• The act was rushed through parliament, without a vote

• Police received extra powers and could detain individuals deemed “infectious

• Interventions proved harmful and human rights and freedoms were violated

• Parallels were observed with the Holocaust according to survivors

Event 201 October 2019

Those for say:

• Approximately 200 epidemic events occur annually and are increasing

• Epidemics are disruptive to health, economies, and society

• Event 201 examined the global preparedness and capabilities to respond to such an event (source)

Those against say:

• COVID pandemic was declared just 3 months later (source)

• Striking similarities were seen: the use of a coronavirus spread from animals, the lockdowns, censorship of opposition, and disruption of peaceful protests

• Was Event 201 just a rehearsal for a planned pandemic?