Was Event 201 a Rehearsal for the Covid Pandemic?

Klaus Schwab has repeatedly called for a great reset since a Davos meeting in 2014 when he announced his hopes to push the reset button on the global economy. He and his team of Elites have envisioned a future for the world that promises to build a “more secure, more equal and more stable world.” What would guide the world to agree to act in lockstep in order to bring these plans to fruition?

The Window of Opportunity

What Schwab termed “a window of opportunity” for this “great reset” was to reveal itself on January 30th, 2020, when ninety-eight cases of a novel coronavirus, spread over 18 countries and led to the Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

Ghebreyesus said we should be grateful that at this time there were no deaths outside of China, but, we had already witnessed the emergence of a previously unknown pathogen, escalating into “an unprecedented outbreak”, which he said was met by ”an unprecedented response” (source).


A World at Risk

Nevertheless, it would seem that neither the outbreak or the response to it were unprecedented at all, as just a few short months before, in September 2019, the WHO together with the World Bank created the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) and were already advising countries to prepare for a “potentially lethal respiratory pathogen”. The WHO-affiliated GPMB released their first annual report A World At Risk, intending, they said to “capture the world’s ability to respond to major health threats. The group highlighted actions for world leaders to take which included investing in “innovative vaccines and therapeutics, and appropriate non-pharmaceutical interventions” which only months later were the actions that the world leaders actually did take (source).

Event 201

We could be forgiven for thinking that the board had predicted the COVID-19 pandemic. These suspicions would be strengthened knowing that only a month later October the 18th, 2019 an event took place in New York that also seemed to predict the “novel virus”.

Together with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation the WEF ran a high-level exercise that was hosted by “The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in the tabletop exercise named Event 201.The exercise saw key players from global organisations such as the WHO, the world Bank, the CDC America and CDC China, act out their response to a severe pandemic. In a role play scenario, representatives of the organisations played the part of a multi stake holder group urgently convened to an emergency meeting by the WEF as a “pandemic emergency board” tasked with illustrating areas where public/private partnerships would be necessary to diminish large scale economic and societal consequences.

Arguably this would also show the Great Reset orchestrator and promoter, Schwab just how a pandemic could be managed in order to use the “opportunity” to usher in his reset plans and much of the exercise showed many parallels with the actual 2020 “pandemic.”

A Coronavirus

The similarities can be seen straight away through the use of a coronavirus, in Event 201, this was named Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome”, or CAPS for short. When the scenario commenced there had been 2,000 deaths and 30,000 individuals showing symptoms of a respiratory illness ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to pneumonia, similar to COVID.

The virus was also said to have spread from an animal, in this case, it had been spreading silently for years in herds of pigs in South America and it spread to several countries through international travel.

Much of this was attributed to asymptomatic individuals who were not displaying symptoms but were apparently spreading the virus without realising. In other words, healthy individuals who have been classed as a “case” merely due to a positive test result from a test not fit for purpose.

Nevertheless, due to these healthy individuals arriving at destinations symptom free and becoming “ill within hours”, interventions were enforced to restrict travel by cancelling flights.

The Interventions

During the scenario, the entire global economy was shaken, there were riots on the streets, and high-tech surveillance measures were needed to “stop the spread.”

Other interventions that we’ve seen in the COVID pandemic were discussed in the scenario too, for example, the players had already pre-empted the mistrust that the public would have in the government narrative and discussed the measures that would be effective in silencing their voices.

The governmental actions within the scenario ranged from media literacy campaigns and fact-checking websites to more extreme measures such as jailing users for publishing content deemed to be misinformation.  

These measures again, have played out under the guise of COVID over the past two years where we have witnessed the tech industry exerting enormous power on their platforms, violating our rights to free speech through censorship, while also having the ability to bias the published information and therefore guide the opinions of society.

It seems that without the scenario discussions we could have had it worse as the preparedness exercise had toyed with the idea of shutting social media and even the internet down entirely, but due to the mounting evidence to suggest that there are serious economic consequences to shutting down the internet, we managed to escape that measure.

However, other similarities that we never managed to escape included:

  • The collapse of many industries

  • Growing mistrust between governments and citizens

  • A greater adoption of biometric surveillance technologies

  • The flooding of communication channels with “authoritative” sources

  • A global lack of personal protective equipment

  • The breakdown of international supply chains

  • Job losses and mass unemployment

  • Rioting/protesting in the streets

  • Harmful lockdowns …..Among others.

Was Event 201 a Rehearsal?

Event 201 players concluded that they were not prepared for a pandemic, yet accusations were rife that this event was in fact preparing for a pre-planned pandemic, that they executed weeks later. Questions were being asked such as “how could they possibly put together a meeting with all of the most important people in the East Coast in New York City in October, and all of a sudden, less than a month later, we now have coronavirus coming out of the Wuhan province?”

In response to the accusations that Event 201 was in fact a rehearsal, the John Hopkins Center made a statement about the [novel coronavirus] and the pandemic exercises as early as January 24th 2020.

“To be clear, the Center for Health Security and partners did not make a prediction during our tabletop exercise. For the scenario, we modelled a fictional coronavirus pandemic, but we explicitly stated that it was not a prediction.”

“Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modelling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”  I think we may disagree on that point, and we can be sure that it has served the purpose of providing the “window of opportunity” that Schwab et al the Davos elite, have been waiting for.

“Now is the historical moment, the time to shape the system” says Klaus Schwab.

Research by Patricia Harrity

The Cides

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