Was the Monkeypox outbreak Pre-planned?
We all now know about the tabletop scenario Event 201 which was said to have used a fictitious Coronavirus to examine how global organisations would respond in the event of a deadly pandemic. Well, a similar exercise was conducted in March 2021, namely a “Tabletop Exercise on Reducing High-Consequence Biological Threats,” organised by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference (MSC) to “examine gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures.”
The Cides believe that the exercise used a scenario using a Monkeypox outbreak, and a few months later the WHO announced… a Monkeypox outbreak! This seems rather suspicious, particularly due to the same thing occurring with Event 201 and the “COVID” pandemic.
We all remember Event 201 in 2019, the Pandemic preparedness exercise orchestrated by the World Economic Forum (WEF), organised by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and hosted by the John Hopkins Center for Health Security.
Key players took part in a role-playing exercise to act their responses in the event of a severe pandemic and the responses to a fictional coronavirus pandemic were uncannily similar to what commenced two months later with COVID-19. Despite the obvious rehearsal, the majority of people were still able to be terrorised by the leaders with horror stories of “cases” and deaths.
Here We Go Again
Well anyway, that’s old news now, there’s a new virus in town and it looks as if we are all expected to believe that the same has happened again despite the fact that In March 2021, yet another “Tabletop Exercise on Reducing High-Consequence Biological Threats” was conducted that “predicted” the Monkeypox pandemic.
This exercise was organised by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference (MSC) and said to be necessary to “examine gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures.”
The key players were the usual suspects, or “key players” and unsurprisingly included representatives from the Wellcome Trust and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Together with other global players said to have decades of combined experience in public health, the biotechnology industry, international security, and philanthropy, they explored opportunities to improve capabilities to prevent and respond to high-consequence biological events.
The Monkeypox
The scenario portrayed a deadly global pandemic that emerged from a fictional country they named Brinia but was to spread globally affecting 3 billion people and was responsible for 270 million deaths. The portrayal was developed through consultations with technical and policy experts; however, they must have had Mystic Meg on board too as the deadly disease just happened to be an unusual strain of Monkeypox!
Not only that but the fictional pandemic emerged in May 2022. Bizarrely, in real life, an outbreak of Monkeypox was announced in May 2022 (source).
What is it?
Monkeypox is a pox-like disease that is usually a mild, self-limiting viral infection, according to the Health Security Agency, The virus, first discovered in 1958 after outbreaks in research monkeys is typically only seen in central and western African countries. However, as of Friday, the 20th of May 2022, 80 cases of Monkeypox have now been said to have been confirmed outside Africa. Scotland has confirmed its first case and there were 20 reported cases as of Friday the 20th of May, in England.
Just as COVID was said to share symptoms with the cold and flu and was hard to differentiate between them, the symptoms of Monkeypox - fever, headache, muscle aches, chills, exhaustion, backache and swollen lymph nodes are shared with other illnesses too.
The HSA has said that clinical diagnoses of Monkeypox can be difficult as it can often be confused with other infections such as chickenpox (source).
Nevertheless this time Boris Johnson seems to have refrained from the usual scaremongering and has said so far, that the consequences "don't seem to be very serious but it's important that we keep an eye on it". Similarly, the WHO has said that the outbreak can be contained, and they do not have evidence the virus has mutated. Additionally, “experts” have advised that while this is the biggest outbreak outside Africa in 50 years, this isn't another Covid-type situation.
But What is it Really?
It could be argued that governments worldwide have continually used the tried, tested and the previously successful Hegelian dialectic of thesis, antithesis and synthesis and are using it in this case too.
This Dialectic is a theory devised by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770 – 1831, a German philosopher who theorised that history followed a pre-determined path that would ultimately lead to the final perfect state of human freedom.
Hegel's theories glorify the state and manage to create a dumbed-down society. the clash of opposites makes for progress believing if you can control the opposites, you can control the outcome.
The theories have been historically proven to be a successful method of control and adopted by the world elites to orchestrate world events (source).
Problem, Reaction, Solution
Today this is recognised as, “Problem, Reaction, Solution” which is essentially the covert creation of a problem in order to get the desired reaction and then to provide an already pre-planned solution that the people believe is for their benefit.
For instance:
The Problem - the threat of a global outbreak, and Monkeypox being an example
The Reaction - the people predictably demand that leaders provide solutions to restrict the spread
The Solution - the NTI paper states that they aim to establish a multilateral financing mechanism for global health security and to accelerate pandemic preparedness.
The Pandemic Treaty
A pandemic preparedness plan is being prepared for implementation with the WHO aiming to make all decisions regarding international health as the coordinating authority. The WHO Pandemic Treaty / Zero Draft was first announced at the Paris Peace Forum in November 2020 and again highlighted by the G7 statement on 19 February 2021 (source).
Now it is imminent and being discussed this week from May 22 to 28 at the World Health Organization (WHO) Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly in Geneva. Governments worldwide are set to give this authority to the WHO enabling them to globally enforce all their desired measures, from increased surveillance, and less personal freedoms to stripping us of our sovereignty.
The Biolabs
it appears that the NTI exercise highlighted another aim:
Problem - the need for a “mechanism to investigate high consequence biological events of unknown origin” or deliberate bioweapon use
Reaction - this would obviously demand that we need them found, exposed and destroyed
Solution - their chosen “mechanism” would help them to find Biolabs and enable them to identify an “enemy,” the leakers of viruses and the creators of bioweapons.
However, Biolabs have been found and the origin is “known” to be in the Ukraine and bordering with Russia and installed there by the United States. Therefore, we have to wonder whether their planned “solution” may have already failed (source).
Were they hoping to accuse Russia of releasing a virus at this time?
Failed plans
It could be that this is a plan that is not coming together. Along with the discovery that the US has installed the Biolabs, the Monkeypox outbreak does not appear to be commanding the fear that COVID did.
The one world governance - WHO dictatorship snuck in through a total control, pandemic treaty agenda is therefore not warranted and too many people are now wise to the agenda.
There is also fierce opposition to the Treaty due to giving up our democratic rights and the fact is, too many of us cannot be fooled this time.
The Tabletop Exercise on Reducing High-Consequence Biological Threats perhaps did not figure in the fact that we have had an awakening, we can only hope that the plans have failed.