Wake Up on the Right Side of History
“Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed to Repeat It.” Santayana.
The above quote has been paraphrased from the original line from philosopher George Santayana, and in its original form, it read, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” referring to the atrocities of the Holocaust. A warning that was reiterated by author and Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi, warned that “it happened; therefore, it can happen again, it can happen everywhere.”
“Genocide Was Facilitated by Global Silence, Indifference and The Failure to Intervene.” – Sherav
What we are seeing today are “astounding parallels” to the Holocaust according to Vera Sharav who compares COVID policies to her experience of escaping from a Nazi concentration camp as a little girl.
“The Nazis used fear of infectious epidemics to demonise Jews as “spreaders of disease, and throughout the “pandemic” healthy, unvaccinated people are accused of being “spreaders of disease.”
Sherav also observed the same patterns of personal freedom, legal and civil rights being swept aside, which was what was to set the Holocaust in motion,” according to survivor Vera Sharav.
Importantly, Sherav stresses that “A vital lesson from the Holocaust is that genocide was facilitated by global silence, indifference and the failure to intervene.” An observation that other Holocaust survivors have also noted. Elie Wiesel, for example was an Auschwitz survivor, and Nobel laureate had stated: “Indifference and the silence of people led to the Holocaust. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.”
These statements should ring alarm bells that although we may apportion blame to the usual suspects of both the Holocaust and the COVID narrative, we tend to dismiss the idea that it is through the silence and also compliance and obedience of the masses, that the atrocities were able to have been carried out.
Primo Levi 1919 - 1987
“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous.”
The orchestrators of the Holocaust could not have realised their plans without the help of the masses. Primo Levi believed that “Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous,” believing that the vast numbers of common men were more dangerous, these were “The functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.”
Sadly, during the COVID crisis, this is also something we have witnessed. We have heard from survivors of the Holocaust who have been shaken by the disproportionate, nonsensical, fearmongering, and the divisive, discriminatory measures against a minority who have disputed the COVID narrative all aided by the masses who helped to enforce measures and remained silent.
The Coronavirus Act
The measures commenced in March 2020 after a 345-page document, the Coronavirus Act 2020, was rushed and passed through Parliament and also given Royal Assent by the queen. The act enabled statutory instruments to be implemented through an authoritarian governmental control, eroding our inalienable human rights and freedoms.
The Coronavirus Act enabled lockdowns, isolations, school and business closures, facemask mandates. The act also enabled the violation of the Nuremberg code through the coercion to take a COVID experimental gene therapy injection which for care workers was mandated and they were threatened with “no jab, job. The act has been responsible for financial, mental and physical harm to individuals, yet was implemented under the guise that it was for the good of our health, nevertheless, data has shown otherwise.
For example, the ONS on deaths from other causes, not COVID, shows large and sudden increases that only commence from the start after the first lockdown [source]. Yet, the government act resulted in the decreased likelihood of getting treatment at all for any other health condition evidenced in the statistics showing 48% fewer A&E attendances from early on after the first lockdown period compared to the same time (April) a year (source).
This resulted in:
1100 individuals a week, with possible heart attack symptoms were not seen in emergency departments (source).
3 million fewer individuals received cancer screening in the first 6 months following the commencement of the act (source, source).
Attendance of stroke symptoms to A&E dropped by over a third (34.5%) on the same week of 2019, from 136,669 to 89,584 (source).
Austrian police arrest peaceful protester 2021
“Remaining Silent in the Face of Injustice is Complicity with the Oppressor. Ginetta Sagan
The evidence and data were ignored by the government showing that the Coronavirus Act and the implemented measures did not appear to be for the good of our health, the figures certainly dispute that claim, but the people could not. Attempting to put an end to the harmful measures and mandates, many individuals from cities across the UK and also in Europe, Australia and Israel, joined protests where they were met by police opposition violating the human rights of freedom of speech and freedom to assemble.
Despite some horrifying scenes of police brutality, scenes that have proved to be painful reminders of the prelude to the Holocaust with “personal freedom, legal and civil rights being swept aside.” The masses remained silent.
The masses even remained silent when the children were being socially conditioned to accept rules without questioning them. The ineffective masks were used as a cloth of compliance, a visible show of obedience and parents, teachers, and society members took part in preparing children to live under a dictatorship.
There’s no Compassion at All. There is Resentment, fundamentally.” Peterson.
Unfortunately, those who have issued warnings of the similarities to the Holocaust have been silenced, silenced by censorship on social media platforms, silenced by the government, and silenced by friends and families.
This is not a new occurrence, for decades now we have been increasingly subjected to being silenced through what is called being “politically correct” and it is not politically correct apparently to make references to similarities of the pandemic measures and the war. Political correctness has not happened organically, it was a strategy developed by a group of German Jewish intellectuals from the famous Frankfurt university in the 1920s to silence enemies and shape the perceptions of what was permissible to say or even think.
Clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson highlights why this is a successful strategy, he says “The social justice people are always on the side of compassion and ‘victim’s rights,’ so objecting to anything they do makes you instantly a perpetrator. There’s no place you can stand without being vilified.”
“Intellectuals are in a position to expose the lies of governments.” Noam Chomsky
We should, therefore, be able to rely on academia and intellectuals who have knowledge and evidence that could expose the strategy of biasing the masses. However, while there are thousands who have attempted to, they have also been vilified and dismissed as conspiracists. While, many others, it would seem, have succumbed to biased thought control it seems.
A stark example of this can be seen from the intellectual MIT professor emeritus and political activist, Noam Chomsky who has gifted us with wise words over the years relating to the U.S governmental hegemony and corruption. Just as the Vietnam war was escalating, Chomsky penned an essay "Intellectuals are in a position to expose the lies of governments" according to Chomsky, and to analyse their "often hidden intentions,".
Yet, in an interview in 2021, the very same Noam Chomsky said the (COVID) unvaccinated should just remove themselves from society and when asked “How can we get food to them?'“Chomsky said, “Well, that's actually their problem.” The intellectual Chomsky, among many others, did not seem to have remembered history, government lies, and hidden intentions at all and ultimately, they failed the people (source).
Lest We Forget?
We must wake up and realise that the people are responsible for their own awareness it is time for us all to speak out against the obvious parallels with the Holocaust which needs to be exposed and stopped.
It is time to wake up and remember the lessons from history and speak out now, before it’s too late, we cannot allow it to be repeated.
We should wake up to the thought control strategies, the censorship and ridicule, we cannot remain silent or indifferent, it is time to intervene, the truth which is fighting for humanity cannot be suppressed due to fear of offending others.
We must wake up and get on the right side of history.
Research by Patricia Harrity