There is something not quite right about the recent tragic events in Israel

Israel is recognised as having the most advanced surveillance system in the world along its borders with Gaza and the Palestinian Territories. How on earth did 'terrorists' with wire cutters and a bulldozer breach these formidable defences?

A former senior officer with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is reported as commenting: “This (non-detection) is simply not possible. There had to be either a coincidental sudden total systems failure or those on watch were told to look the other way.”

This scenario smacks of the 9/11 attacks in the USA when the world's military superpower was apparently oblivious to rogue airliners in it's most protected airspace for over an hour. Today at least 20% of Americans now believe that their government played a sinister role in the terrible events of that day.

Were the recent events in Israel a similar Deep State orchestration?

Both the Biden and Netanyahu administrations are in trouble with their electorates at the moment.

Netanyahu has recently been charged with fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes, while at home Biden is being targeted for impeachment.

Nothing like a highly convenient war to forgive and forget, to unite people behind their erstwhile leaders and put a different spotlight on them. And the other bonus – huge profit spikes that war brings for weapons and oil companies.

In wars it’s always the people of both sides that suffer the most.

The Cides has made a donation to Medical Aid for Palestinians and is looking to make a similar donation to an organisation supporting the Israeli victims of this tragedy.

The Cides

Delivering Songs about Life and Death, Sex and Love. Hoping to raise awareness in the human herd who are sleepwalking into their own oblivion.


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