It’s Time to Take Back our Sovereignty and Constitutional Authority
Russian Empire-born writer and philosopher Ayn Rand (1905-1982) witnessed the Bolshevik revolution, she believed that we were fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: “The stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission” this she called “the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force”(source). We have arrived at the Rand prophesised, “darkest period in our history” due to a coup d’état where the cabal has infiltrated our governments worldwide and waged a silent war upon us, we the people.
The Silent War
This is a war we never knowingly entered into, a war between authoritarianism and the individual, which began when our government began to serve the cabalistic shadow government and created legislation at their bequest. The population has been subjected to totalitarian policies that were enforced under the guise of emergency COVID measures including mask and vaccine mandates and lockdowns. These measures were not only unnecessary but quickly proved detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the people who had no say in their enforcement. This, however, was our preparation and a little taster of the authoritarian rule that our infiltrated government has in store for us. Our government has been able to assess the people’s response to the “end game” - a one world governance in a “New World Order.”
This will be a governance never known before in the western world where ultimate power will be permanently exercised over us using technology and surveillance befitting of a dystopian communist country. Not only has our government assisted immensely in the journey towards its fruition but they have violated our human rights by silencing dissenting voices and persecuting those who have had doubts about their policies. This is enabling the government to destroy the key foundations of a rational, free society as they hand over the sovereignty of the British people to the unelected cabal members who are ready to govern us and change our way of living to our detriment.
A government that does what it likes, despite a lack of consultation with the people, and ignoring democracy is tyrannical and more than ever before, the British people who have felt powerless to stop the tyranny should know they do have the ability to constrain the government and their agenda.
An Historical Tyrant
In fact, there are limits and constraints that have been in existence for over eight hundred years since there was a dire need to constrain the obsessive and selfish actions of a tyrant ruler King John (1199 - 1216). King John has been regarded as the worst King to have sat on England’s throne with a reputation for being treacherous, tyrannous, cowardly and cruel (source).
King John had inherited a vast dominion in Europe from his ancestors which included Normandy, Anjou and Aquitaine, but he had lost almost all of it to King John of France in 1204. He extorted money from his English subjects and barons through excessive taxation in order to fund his military endeavours attempting to get it back, which also involved taking prisoners and hostages many of whom he starved to death. In fact, King John’s own nephew and rival Arthur of Brittany was even murdered on the king’s orders.
Much the same as the government today King John used money belonging to the people, to do as he pleased with no benefit to the people and when he returned to England after ten years of battle he had failed. Defeated, King John was welcomed by his subjects who rose up in arms against him and a revolt by his barons demanded that he obey the law. It was only after the barons captured London that the king was forced to negotiate and was forced to commit to the treaty which is known as the Magna Carta (source).
The Magna Carta
You can download a translation of the Magna Carta here
Written in Latin by the kings’ clerks, the Magna Carta translates as “The Great Charter” and was an agreement signed at Runnymede in Medieval England in June 1215 and has become one of the most famous documents in the world and was inspirational across the centuries from Thomas Jefferson to Mahatma Gandhi. The charter was to place limits upon the power of the monarch over his subjects and significantly articulated that even the King is not above the constraints of the law. Many of the clauses within the charter are specific to the long-standing, grievances of King John’s Barons rather than with general principles of law.
Although, some of the grievances are clear; others can be understood only in the context of the medieval feudal society in which they arose. Consequently, more often than not the clauses were for the benefit of the barons and not the poor people. For example, chapters 12 and 14 (see below) prevented the king from levying tax without the common consent of the kingdom.
One of the most well-known of its sixty-nine clauses however benefits the entire population, rich and poor, chapter 39 states.
“No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.”
Trial by Jury
Chapter 39 is of immeasurable importance and states that no one should be deprived of their freedom without just cause and that people are entitled to a fair trial by their peers according to the law of the land. Therefore, if an individual is accused of a criminal offence or wrongdoing it is only to be decided or judged by a jury consisting of a sample of the community and therefore people of equal status. It is not for a “judge” to assess whether an individual is guilty or not. The government legislation must also be tested every time it comes up in a trial and is always subject to the people's authority in accordance with our social contract, to prevent a despotic governance, such as we are seeing today.
Trial by jury gives that responsibility to the people of the jury who decide whether the individual’s action constitutes a crime and can only reach a guilty or not guilty verdict if the decision is unanimous with all jurors in agreement. They also hold the power and responsibility to decide how that individual should be punished. Violations of government legislation are not reasons to punish an accused individual.
In a trial by jury, the people also have the power to judge on the justice of the law enabling them to also decide on the appropriateness of a piece of legislation and assess the fairness and justice in a case.
Essentially, even if the accused has broken the law or breached government legislation, the jury looks for malicious intent and may reach a not guilty verdict. If the jury assesses the legislation to be unfair or unjust, they are to decide whether to punish a person according to how it feels within their collective conscience and a violation of government-created acts and statutes are not reasons to punish an individual.
Common Law
The government acts must be in alignment with the basic principles of the common law which is a higher jurisdiction of law created by the people and is a consolidation of the decisions of juries.
They are four laws that cover every eventuality in life:
1. Cause no harm
2. Cause no loss
3. Keep the peace and
4. Honour all agreements made with others.
If the jurors judge that this is not the case, and even if the holder of the office of sovereign (monarch) has granted the legislation royal assent making it into law, the jurors can still in fact disregard the 'law' (legislation) (source).
That law will then begin the process of being extracted from the statute books, which is termed the “Annulment by Jury” or “Jury Nullification.” Conclusively, it is the people who hold the power to punish and decide on laws, it is the people who hold the power to govern.
To govern, therefore, is to decide on what is morally acceptable and what is not within our community and create boundaries to promote acceptable behaviour as long as it is based on common law. This is actual democracy and not what we have been led to believe that democracy was merely achieved through the suffrage of the people. In other words, we have been deceived into thinking that it is the system giving us the ability to vote in elections once every four years equates to a democratic system. This is not so.
We the people are Sovereign
Real democracy means that the governing system was always intended to fall under the authority of we the people which also represents true equity. We the people are sovereign meaning that everyone is considered to be equal in law and real democracy also means that no one person can be more privileged than others. This also includes the head of state which in our case is the Monarch, King Charles who has the power to ratify acts of parliament, this is a mechanism called Royal Assent, the Monarch also has the power to refuse that assent, meaning they can block it.
However, real democracy is a powerful constitutional mechanism by which our government is subordinate to the creators and the people were the creators. We are all the heads of our nation; we are kings and queens in our own land despite how much wealth we may or may not have. Governments are merely voted into service, (not power) as representatives of the people within a common law jurisdiction and must have full transparency and accountability over their actions. They have ignored the different jurisdictions, or layers in law, and seem to believe they are more privileged and have taken authority over the people instead of being the other way around.
Limited Government Power
Our government still try and lead us to believe that by voting them into Westminster we have been afforded democracy through our suffrage which we know is not democracy. They are lying, and still lie when making false claims on their website that parliament is sovereign and can create or end any law!
Nonetheless, they act upon the lies and have been “doing as they please” despite the fact that they are only able to govern as long as they remain subservient to the rule of law and that the people having judicial authority over them and have the last say in what laws we are happy to be governed by.
Defenders of Government
Legitimately the Government cannot do anything it wishes and in fact, has limited power, this has always been the case and known throughout history and within the history of law, which has escaped the attention of the British police force. They admit that they are supposed to police by our consent but have continued to defend the government's corporate interests and their unwanted, unjust policies and policing has not been by consent at all. Policing has been seen to be a callous and vain display of state power, when dealing with protesters who simply exercised their human rights, airing their grievances against the government’s plandemic measures.
The police, at times wearing unnecessary riot gear, were attempting to force a brutal and oppressive crackdown of the gatherings, and acted irresponsibly, indiscriminately and without care, compassion or concern for the people they are supposed to serve and protect. According to David Robinson, useful idiots within the police act as “the gatekeepers protecting those extremely dangerous criminals” and “Treason is the reason that all other crimes of the state are allowed to be committed without consequence to the criminals (source).
Retaining our Sovereignty
We know that other “crimes of state” are committed against us the people by a government that believes itself to be more privileged than us because we have not asserted our sovereignty. Our sovereignty gives us protection from their actions through the laws of our land (constitution) and would be especially useful right about now to protect us from the government that is supposed to serve us, but has turned despotic and:
Have taken power over the people who are now considered “wards” of a nanny state.
We have become regarded as slaves to the rich and powerful under unconstitutional rules
Allowed the laws of the land to have been overthrown by traitors
Committed High Treason in Parliament by handing over powers to create policies for our nation to a foreign entity. (EU and UN and now the cabal).
We need to retain our sovereignty and reassert the common law within the judiciary (within every courtroom in the land as it should be by law – and within all overseeing judicial offices) and under such conditions (institutionalised corruption) this will require we, the people, to unite.
The Constitution
More than ever before, the British people taking part in the fight of their lives, need to know that they are not powerless, they have the ability to constrain the government and their agenda. We need to share with all the fact that there is a system of governance and a legitimately formed society within the United Kingdom and a constitution which states that a creator should always remain in authority over that which it has created. We the people are the creators, we are a constitutional monarchy and within our constitution, checks and constraints exist, for the people to reign in despotic rulers.
We have a constitution; it is not one “written” or “codified” single constitutional document as it is in other countries like the United States of America but is spread across various places, making it less easy to comprehend. Our ‘constitution’ refers to the principles, rules and laws that establish and underpin a political system. It creates and defines the powers of the different political institutions and determines how they should relate to each other.
Importantly it also sets out the limits of these powers and guards against our own administrative government from becoming criminal in nature by placing both limitations and obligations on governmental organisations. It also provides opportunities for the public to influence the political process as “only we the people, who are sovereign, only we the people have the final say, the absolutely final say on our governance.” says the Coast Guy, Neil Oliver on GBNews which can be seen in the video below.
Importantly as Neil Oliver says:
The New Chartist Movement
However It certainly would if they thought for a second that the great British public would collectively take their power back, but we have let things go so far in our situation in our world, according to the New Chartist Movement founder Will Keyte who adds “We have got a hell of a lot of rowing back to do because there are no quick fixes for this situation, we have to take responsibility for it”
It is Time to Take Back our Constitutional Power
If the vast majority of the people were aware of our constitutional powers the government would never have been able to have taken us this far down the path of dystopia appeasing their cabal masters but they have been “educated out of us” according to Will Keyte. Our government has done as it pleases for too long and what pleases them today is the cruel, ridiculous, harmful legislation built on lies which violate human rights, and serve an evil agenda. Their legislation would surely be judged unjust and unfair, in a common law trial by Jury therefore, it is no wonder those in power have kept this information hidden from us.
Until now there has been too much trust in our government from individuals and there has been a general apathy of the masses who have turned a blind eye to the ever-increasing, creeping, illegitimate power that the government has taken and normalised right under our noses. Yet, we must remember, whoever decides on the laws, ultimately hold the power – because they hold the power to punish – and that is We the People. It is time to take back the power and our authority created within our constitution to show our criminal, tyrannical government that we will not, because we cannot allow them to “do anything it pleases any longer and we must stop their despotic governance before it is too late.
Research by Patricia Harrity