The WHO’s Power Grabbing Treaty

The World Health Organization (WHO) is drafting a Global Pandemic Treaty on Pandemic Preparedness. According to the WHO, this aims to protect the world from future “infectious diseases crises.”

The Cides believe that by enabling this plan to go ahead, we will be handing over our sovereignty to an unelected body. The pandemic treaty is a power-grabbing move essentially, using health issues to sneak in the one-world government.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is drafting a Global Pandemic Treaty on Pandemic Preparedness which according to the WHO will aim at protecting the world from future “infectious diseases crises.” This means that while we were being distracted by threats of war, the 194 WHO member states actually agreed to negotiate a global pandemic treaty without our input.

The WHO Director General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said the decision by the World Health Assembly, represented a “once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the global health architecture to protect and promote the well-being of all people.” (source). Tedros argues that COVID-19 pandemic has “shone a light on the many flaws in the global system to protect people from pandemics” and according to Tedros, a “global solidarity” is needed to deal with a global threat.”

The Greatest Global Power Grab

“A global solidarity?” What this really means is globally we will all fall in, lockstep to comply with instructions from a one-world governance under the guise of health care. What we are seeing is a stealth attack which is proceeding under our noses and is attempting to erode democracy. Granting the agency absolute and unprecedented power over global biosecurity is directly threatening to the national sovereignty of global nations who will no longer be able to make decisions for themselves.

The WHO will make all decisions regarding international health as the coordinating authority, and according to the WHO Pandemic Treaty / Zero Draft Highlight, that authority afforded will allow the WHO to enforce:

• more surveillance

• more power to WHO

• more funding for WHO

• more restrictions on information

• less privacy

• less free speech

• less personal freedom

• less national sovereignty.

COVID Was a Trial Run

We have observed the decisions and guidance coming from the WHO during the COVID pandemic and the critical thinkers among us could see that they were disproportionate, unnecessary, contradictory and most of all extremely harmful.

We could also see that the measures endured as a result of their guidance were not based on science or data, or even common sense for that matter. Yet now we are expected to trust the organisation to have total control with an increase in power and funding, knowing that they can arbitrarily call out “pandemic” whenever they choose and why wouldn’t they?

The measures of the “case” pandemic and subsequent measures prepared us for this next stage in world events. The masses have shown their dutiful compliance and obedience, we are now ready for that endgame, the one-world governance and totalitarian control.

The Leaders Are Giving Away Our Democracy

This so-called pandemic treaty is the “single, greatest global power grab that any of us has seen in our lifetime”, says Neil Oliver, who states that “once British ink is dry on the paperwork, we and the most of the rest of the billions living on planet earth, will in the event of another pandemic, take our instructions, not from the politicians we actually voted for, and could hypothetically get rid of, but from the unelected faceless bureaucrats of the WHO”.

“This is real, it is happening now and a whole load of people would rather you weren’t paying attention.” Says Neil Oliver and he is right. Many people have not been paying attention while the Prime Minister of the UK has joined alongside the German Chancellor and the French President in calling for the “new global settlement” under the guise that it will “help the world prepare for future pandemics” giving away our democracy and in turn our inalienable rights as if they are theirs to give away.

Watch The Eloquent Neil Oliver on GB News

A Call to Action

The UK is supposed to be a democratic nation, we therefore should have a say on such major plans for our futures. There is a petition that has at this time accrued approximately 119,000 signatures from the public, is demanding that the government does not sign the WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via a public referendum.

The petition states that the public must be “furnished with the full ramifications of what and how any pandemic treaty could affect them and should “be given a public vote on whether the UK should sign up”.


Just a final thought, the opening words of the United Nations Charter “We the peoples” the UN says, “reflects the fundamental principle of democracy” and “that the will of the people is the source of legitimacy of sovereign states. They also say that they believed in “democratic governance” as a set of “values and principles.”

Ironically, the World Health Organisation was one of the very first major works of the United Nations, and the motivational force behind its formation was a belief that the improvement of world health would make an important contribution to world peace.

This was obviously written in the days when we felt we could rely on both the UN and the WHO to protect our rights and wellbeing, those days have gone.

“We the peoples” are on our own, but we should take with us a line from the UN charter that was written for us – “Democracy provides an environment that respects human rights and fundamental freedoms, and in which the freely expressed will of people is exercised.”

Please fight to exercise your democratic rights while you still can and sign and share this petition -

Research by Patricia Harrity

The Cides

Delivering Songs about Life and Death, Sex and Love. Hoping to raise awareness in the human herd who are sleepwalking into their own oblivion.


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