Government Legislation Violates Human Rights – Time to Get Out of the Cage!

The Cides believe that since the start of the COVID pandemic the government has brought in legislation that has increased rules and regulations and violated our human rights. As a result, the UK is closer to being a dictatorship than ever before strengthening the cage that the bureaucracies have created for us.

German sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920) said in his book "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, that due to bureaucracies and an increased rationalisation particularly in Western capitalist societies, individuals are trapped in what was translated to be, an “iron cage.” He believed that oligarchies were generated from these often-corrupt bureaucracies, allowing a few individuals political and economic power to control resources for their own personal interests.

Although they were built to regulate governments and the political order, they also impact society and the quality of our lives as well and individuals lose their individuality, as their labour is sold to someone who is in control, and their autonomy, as others dictate to them what they are worth. Unfortunately, bureaucracies according to Weber, also result in a lack of individual freedom as specific tasks are set for the people in return for giving up their own desires to conform to the bureaucracy's goals.

That Comfortable Cage

They become trapped in an ‘iron cage’ and feel the building pressure to act and behave in a certain way believing it is for their benefit, and in a certain way it is for their benefit. They are comfortable in their cage; they are appeased by the fact they are able to take part in the capitalist consumer society. With the coins they receive by working for the man, they have furnished their cage with mass-produced items from Argos, they have entertainment provided by Netflix and as a result, they belong to a social group of like-minded individuals. They think they are free and will protect their cage and all that is associated with it, even if it means turning a blind eye to what is happening in society.

The Coronavirus Act

Arguably, individuals felt compelled to act in a certain way when measures were introduced and enforced through the Coronavirus Act 2020 under the guise of preventing the spread of a novel virus. These measures proved harmful for so many people according to research, with individuals rendered disproportionately ‘scared’ of COVID, which oftentimes led some to even take precautions that actually increased deaths from other causes (source). It was our own government in fact, led by oligarchies, and aided by behavioural psychologists from the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), that was guilty of terrorising the population, using the Hegelian method, of problem, reaction, solution. This resulted in the masses welcoming in the measures even though they were violating our human rights.

Our Human Rights

The Human Rights Act was first adopted in 1948 to ensure that the cruel, barbaric acts committed in WWII could never happen again. Yet, for the past two and a half years, since the mention of SARS CoV 2, those rights have been violated and those trapped in their cages almost insisted on their erosion for their perceived protection. In order to qualify as a violation of human rights, the act must be committed by somebody who is acting with the support, authorization or acquiescence of a state agent. Or a by a person representing the state such as a civil servant or police officer. Nevertheless, throughout the “pandemic” period, we saw recordings and read accounts of the extended use of police powers through brutality shown towards those protesting against the government measures and mandates.

The Human rights act, however, gives us the freedom to hold opinions, the freedom of expression and to impart information, and ideas without interference by a public authority or government persecution. Yet we have witnessed censorship of government opposition from experts including scientists, doctors, researchers and many others. Our rights also allow us the freedom to protest, yet these rights have been violated with the outrageous treatment of protesters and censorship of dissenting voices. Again, the fear felt by the masses who seemed convinced that the police were dealing with virus-superspreading, unjabbed, non-mask-wearing protesters. They are, therefore, through their silence and worse their support, giving the police unprecedented powers which violate and erode our human rights.   

The Bill

Since then there have been proposed amendments drafted by Home Secretary, Priti Patel to the already illiberal Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill which was eventually agreed upon and passed by both the House of Commons and the House of Lords then finally received Royal Assent on 28 April (source). Now an Act of Parliament (law), the Bill gives the police an extraordinary extension of powers and at the same time will put far too much power in the hands of the state, ordinarily seen in authoritarian states or dictatorships. However, the masses again, remained silent and enabled further violations of our human rights, in particular, article 11.

Allowing a bill that:

  • Widens the range of conditions that the police can impose on assemblies (static protests), to match existing police powers to impose conditions on processions.

  • lowers the fault element for offences relating to the breaching of conditions placed on a protest of either kind.

  • Widen the range of circumstances in which the police can impose conditions on protests

This also Includes:

  • Serious Disruption Prevention Orders.(SDPOs) which can prevent people from going to certain places, meeting others, and using the internet - activities that are not ordinarily crimes. This can even involve tagging individuals and breaching a protest will be classed as a criminal offence.

The Bill will also:

  • Replace the existing common law offence of public nuisance with a new statutory offence as recommended by the Law Commission in 2015

  • Create new stop, search and seizure powers to prevent serious disruption caused by protests.

Criminalising a Way of Life and Discriminatory Profiling

The new law includes penalties including confiscation of vehicles, for stopping on private and public land without authorisation, effectively criminalising a way of life for certain individuals such as Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller people, or those who choose to live off-grid. These extreme restrictions “risk stoking prejudice against communities and individuals who already face serious disadvantages” according to The Guardian.

While the new stop and search powers also expand powers to stop and search without suspicion around protests, meaning the police have the authority to stop and search individuals that they subjectively deem could avoid “serious disruption” or a “public nuisance”. This can happen whether or not the police have grounds to suspect the individual is carrying a prohibited object and could very well add to the existing dissimilatory unfair profiling.

The Bill essentially plans to make exercising our human rights, and non-criminal acts, criminal!

Our New Fascist State

Our government was already showing signs of a dictatorship, but this Bill takes it to a whole new level. Where have we seen leaders silencing voices of dissent or protests against their policies becoming criminalised before? This is undemocratic and belongs in a dystopian nightmare where no matter what policies are introduced by the government, we will not be able to complain about it.

This is made even more worrying by the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) along with 194 WHO member states have been planning a global pandemic treaty without our input which The Cides have reported here (The Cides). Basically, the WHO will be given more power, more funding and will make all decisions regarding global health meaning they can enforce:

  • More surveillance

  • More restrictions on information

  • Less privacy

  • Less free speech

  • Less personal freedom

  • Less national sovereignty.

This is a one-world governance and COVID Was a trial run.

Time To Resist – Get out of the Cage!

It is time to resist this authoritarian plan, it is time to get out of our cages, in the New World Order that we are hurtling towards. However, while they dangle the carrot of consumerism in return for our compliance, in the end “You will own nothing and be happy” according to Klaus Schwab (see here). Yet the bureaucracies will be happy with their billions of dollars, their land and assets and the total control they will have over the mass global population.

It is time to realise that we are not living our lives for ourselves, we are living them for the bureaucracies who are only concerned with their own interests – profit and control. It is time to resist for ourselves and for the future generations.

It‘s time to Get out of that cage!

Research by Patricia Harrity

The Cides

Delivering Songs about Life and Death, Sex and Love. Hoping to raise awareness in the human herd who are sleepwalking into their own oblivion.


The WHO’s Power Grabbing Treaty


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