The End of a Financial Era and the New Totalitarian Currency
Our financial system is underpinning a New World Order and is “on the brink of another dramatic change” according to economist Dr Pippa Malmgren speaking in March 2022 at the World Government Summit event in Dubai. The traditional system of money and accounting is about to be abandoned and a new system will replace it.
The Cides believe that by introducing a programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), global leaders will have totalitarian control threatening our privacy and access to our own finances and will violate our human rights. We must resist this move now.
A digital currency which could make payments faster, cheaper and safer, but also opens up new technological possibilities, including programming which can allow the issuer, such as the government or employer, total control over how the recipient spends it (source).
An alternative system exists within bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but will we ultimately be forced to use the digital currency of the New World Order?
Bretton Woods Agreement
World orders are historically built around the financial system with change typically occurring through wars. For example in 1944, towards the end of World War II, allied nations reached an agreement at Bretton Woods, United States to create an international currency exchange. This system required a currency peg to the U.S. dollar, the dollar price was fixed to gold.
However, in 1971 President Richard Nixon suspended the convertibility of the US dollar into gold and the “fiat money” era commenced (source). Now free from the “Gold Standard” enabled the dollar to be floated against other major currencies while relieving the pressure on the global major reserve currency.
The Debt-based Monetary System
Global currencies were still linked to the US dollar, but importantly the dollar has been pegged to absolutely nothing and our paper money in the Fiat system only holds value because everyone accepts that it does (source). What followed was decades of leveraged debt finance - a debt-based monetary system which created the perception of global prosperity and a higher living standard for millions who were essentially living beyond their means.
The Global Financial Crisis 2008
Consequently, the system had a downturn resulting in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) (also termed “subprime mortgage crisis”), which originated in the US, and said to be the worst financial problem to have faced the world since the Great Depression in the 1930s. Banks were bailed out through quantitative easing, which according to expert John Titus, is a sham - purchasing longer-term securities from the open market in order to increase the money supply and central banks created and printed money out of nothing, loaned it to the government who paid them back with interest. Additionally in the September of 2008 the Federal Reserve responded by creating over $1 trillion in the space of a few short weeks.
Money From Nothing
Debt has continued to increase at a massively higher rate than real money increases. UK debt in 2020 for example equated to $49,211 per citizen which is behind the United States’ $70,180 per person, with a debt of approximately 27 trillion dollars and an annual deficit of 2-3 trillion dollars. Therefore the system has again proven to be unsustainable, even the chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell believes that the US would have to eventually get back on a sustainable path (source).
COVID Was a Cover Story
There is now another banking crisis, every fiat currency has returned to zero, says financial investor Melissa Ciummei, “the pound and the dollar have already lost over 99% of their value and they are just trying to eradicate the other 1%”
Yet despite the obvious crisis, the Federal Reserve insisted in March 2020 that they were taking emergency measures that were necessitated by the onset of the COVID pandemic. The measures were to include the sudden creation of reserves in the wholesale monetary circuit to affect the parallel creation of new bank money which amounted to a huge $3.5 trillion being disbursed to cause the mirror-image creation of $3.5 trillion (source).
The Fed’s actions suggest that through predicting the next downturn in the unsustainable financial system the “unprecedented acts” were planned four months before the first mention of a SARS-CoV-2 “pandemic”.
It was in fact, in August of 2019, a couple of months before Bill Gates Event 201 that a meeting took place in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, that BlackRock instructed the Fed to “get money into wholesale and retail hands when “the next downturn” arrived.
This was Blackrock’s “Going Direct” plan that by March 2020 the Fed was following as instructed, but the “novel” coronavirus pandemic narrative served as a convenient cover story that distracts and masks the Federal Reserve’s “unprecedented” maneuvers.
Could Bitcoin Be an Alternative System?
An alternative to the Fiat system was not only necessary but is already in existence in the form of Blockchain. Simplified, Blockchain is the technology that enables the sending a receiving of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin which are not physical objects but exist in the virtual world as snippets of code.
Bitcoin (BTC) was invented in 2008 by an anonymous source named Satoshi Nakamoto. Entering circulation with only 50 BTC at a price of $0.00 it has since become the top-performing asset of any class and over the past decade despite being highly volatile climbed 9,000,000% between 2010 and 2020! (One BTC at the time of writing is worth £24,372.75).
It is also inclusive, the fact that each bitcoin is made up of 100 million satoshis (the smallest units of bitcoin), and one bitcoin is divisible up to eight decimal places means that a fraction of a bitcoin can be purchased by just about anyone with as little as $1.
Decentralised – For the People by the People
Importantly, unlike fiat currency Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have no central point of control, cryptocurrency is decentralised with the buying and selling of coins taking place on exchanges among the widespread crypto community. It is peer to peer, operating for the people by the people (source).
Here lies the problem for central banks and policymakers, the explosion of bitcoin has proven to weaken their control leaving them clamouring to introduce digital currencies of their own in order to protect their status.
Central Bank Digital Currencies
Even though technically, digital currencies can eliminate the need for the middleman, clearly central banks are not keen on giving up their power and have “sketched out a potential operating manual for digital currency (CBDC) according to a Reuters. They have the support of the US government, who have been instructed through an executive order signed by Joe Biden on March the 9th 2022 to begin developing a CBDC for it to be issued by the Federal Reserve. Biden’s order describes this as a matter of the “highest Urgency” for his administration.
Almost a year before this, July 2021 a press release entitled “Eurosystem launches digital euro project” was published by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB), reporting that they had decided to launch a 24-month investigation phase of a digital euro project. Four months later John Glen the UK Economic Secretary to the Treasury made a statement: “The UK, like many countries, is exploring the potential role of retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) as a complement to cash and bank deposits. A retail CBDC would be a new form of digital money, denominated in Sterling and issued by the Bank of England, for use by people and businesses for their everyday payments needs. Exploring the opportunities that a CBDC could offer is aligned with government’s wider agenda to remain at the forefront of innovation and technology in financial services.”
A central bank-controlled digital currency has been planned which has increased the need and push for digital identities. Agustín Carstens general manager of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in 2020 at the summit of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) made us aware of the fact that the CBDC will allow the central bank absolute control, and that they also will have “the technology to enforce that.”
A Coin for Totalitarian Control
Obviously, control is key, and a call from the Bank of England to ministers in June 2021, to decide whether a CBDC should be “programmable” should have rung urgent alarm bells. A “programmable” coin will not only violate our right to privacy but will ultimately allow the issuer of the coin total control over how the recipient spends it.(source).
Access to funds could even be sanctioned and blocked, for example, consider that you are in dispute with HMRC over your tax liability to the tune of £800. You have £1,000 in your bank account but your bank blocks your spending such that the liability of £800 is ring-fenced until the dispute is resolved. In the meantime, you're ok to spend the £200 as long as there are no donations to radicals like the parent’s group fighting the closure of the local children's hospital.
The programming could also be used for behaviour control to curb what is deemed “bad behaviour” or “wrongthink,” or for protesting and voicing opposition to the government narrative. Essentially, exercising these human rights can result in the central bank putting a block on the access to our own money. Imagine too how this control could even be utilised to force individuals to have jabs containing noxious substances! John Cunliffe, deputy director for the Bank of England, told the Telegraph: “You could think of smart contracts in which the money would be programmed to be released only if something happened.” This is total slavery and akin to the Chinese Social Credit System
In fact, CBDC is a perfect aid to a totalitarian regime, the thought of which would make many of us head straight for a bitcoin exchange!
Yet trading of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has been banned in China since 2019 and now since September 2021 has been made illegal (source). Russia also stated their intention to ban cryptocurrencies and the Bank of Russia has started a pilot stage for its own CBDC the digital ruble (source). so, who can say the governments of all nations won’t control our access to cryptocurrency?
The end game is totalitarian control along with a financial reset and a digital id and passports and as more and more nations begin to utilise CBDCs the nearer we are to the New World Order and totalitarian control, surely in the interests of freedom don't we need to resist this move'?
Research by Patricia Harrity