Sometimes it all Just Gets too Much!
Over the last three years we have witnessed media organisations reinforcing the government narrative. However the narrative is not their own, it is the creation of the ‘underflow’ which is a term used in our new track ‘Out of my Head’, referring to the deep, permanent, unelected government. The underflow has visions of a one-world government and complete control over the global population and instead of serving the people of the country as they are paid to do, our government is serving the underflow and have consistently enforced its agendas on us using the mainstream media.
This has become increasingly obvious to more and more people who are now showing considerable distrust of the propaganda, particularly from the BBC. Their constant lies and fearmongering not only insult our intelligence but also violates our human rights by expecting our adherence to their unjust and ridiculous policies. Nevertheless, unjust and ridiculous governmental policies have been inflicted on the general public for decades and have arguably caused consistent detrimental issues for the people of the country. Out of My Head relates to those people who have had enough, who are sick of the difficult lives that have been constructed for them that only benefit the underflow.
Job insecurity
One of the issues individuals have to contend with is job insecurity which reflects a threat to the continuity and stability of employment. It is currently experienced by people in work who meet one of the following criteria:
Non-permanent work (casual, seasonal, agency)
On zero-hour contracts
Those who self-report volatile pay and hours
Those who self-report constant pay but work volatile hours
Low paid self-employed people (source)
6.6 million people across the country were experiencing job insecurity in 2022 and total hours worked in insecure jobs had decreased and 56% of those were earning less than the Real Living Wage (RLW) of £9.90 an hour (£11.05 in London). The RLW rate is said to enable workers to afford everyday needs such as shopping, yet the amount is not enough for families to live financially stress-free, highlighted by the decrease in economic activity (stats source).
Government Policy Failure - Austerity Measures
High levels of job insecurity is found to be cyclical, for instance, levels rose in 2007-2008 due to the ‘Great Financial Crisis (GFC)’, and as reported here by The Cides was a consequence of “decades of a debt-based monetary system.” Choosing to bail the banks out the government created stimulus packages which in turn plunged the rest of us into austerity measures with a resultant economic slowdown which led to job losses and falling incomes, hurting deprived groups the most.
Unsatisfactory Homes
Fast forward to 2020, government policies succeeded in also driving up levels of job insecurity due to their imposed COVID measures, the ripple effect of which is still being felt exacerbated by the constructed cost of living crisis. Individuals are now finding themselves priced out of decent homes due to the cost of rent rising much faster than their earnings forcing people to take what they can afford. These are often unsafe, damp, poor-quality homes, but fear of eviction prevents them from complaining to landlords and despite the poor quality often huge sacrifices are made just to keep the roof over their heads such as having to choose between paying the rent and feeding their families, a recipe for homelessness, according to the Living Wage Foundation.
There were 278,110 households reported to be being threatened with homelessness or already homeless In 2021 -2021.
Sources - Joseph Rowntree Foundation Crisis
The most appropriate solution for homelessness is social housing or more specifically an additional 700,000 local authority properties which would bring the level in line with that of 1979, according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF). Evidently, government policies made in 1979 are still detrimental to our society, particularly for low-income families even in 2023! What happened in 1979?
Government Policy Failure - Thatcher’s Right to Buy
1979 was the year the ‘Right to Buy’ scheme was introduced a “flagship policy” of Margaret Thatcher’s government which gave almost all tenants of council houses the right to buy their home.
This resulted in the sale of some 2 million much-needed affordable homes in the UK between 1980 and 2015, but homes to replace them fell far short of the volume of sales.
The Tory government pledge in their 2019 election manifesto to build 300,000 new homes a year unsurprisingly did not happen (source).
Homelessness, job insecurity and poverty, are major causes of depression and each one is also a vicious circle, for example, low income causes depression and depression can lead to homelessness etc, and a large body of evidence shows that economic hardship can beget worse mental health in economic recessions (source) (source). A fact that is ignored by the NHS who state that depression is “sometimes triggered by life-changing events, such as bereavement, losing your job or giving birth” they fail to mention government policies and their consequences which are largely to blame due to consistently “triggering” events that can cause depression.
The NHS also states that “people with a family history of depression are more likely to experience it themselves,” but this could be due to families living in similar circumstances, and experiencing similar financial issues. “Depression is often defined as a low mood that keeps on returning affecting your daily life,” they say, well yes, as do harmful government policies.
Government and The Magic Pill
Nonetheless, ignoring the evidence that depression is being caused by their policies the government make no adjustments to them. Instead, individuals are widely thought to be simply unable to cope with life due to a chemical imbalance in their brain - a lack of serotonin. Consequently, the solution is not a decent job and home with enough food for the family, but a big pharma pill namely a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI)!
Antidepressant items were 5% of all prescriptions written even in 2005, according to the House of Commons Health Select Committee (HSC), which claims that two-thirds of them were prescribed for ‘mild depression’ mainly for people unhappy and distressed by difficult situations and circumstances. Unsurprisingly, prescribed antidepressants rose by 5% during the COVID era when an estimated 83.4 million were prescribed between 2021 and 2022, equating to nearly half a million more adults in England taking them between 2021 and 2022, rising from 7.9 million to 8.3 million.
The Drugs Don’t Work
But there has never been evidence that even helps people according to the HSC who argued that “a government dilemma exists to balance trade imperatives and health priorities” meaning “serving two masters at the same time.” A recent study supports their statement, concluding that there is no evidence that depression is caused by low serotonin levels. Unfortunately, big pharma duped people into believing their depression has a biochemical cause, yet it was just a marketing ploy that worked very well for them (source).
Bill Gates the Investor
Evidently, when the people suffer, big pharma are the ones to benefit as do their Investors of which Bill Gates is one. Gates invested $55 million into BioNTech in September of 2019 ( a few short months before ‘COVID’ funnily enough) and by 2022 that investment was worth over $550 million. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, also in three other coronavirus vaccines - Pfizer, CureVac, and Vir Biotechnology agreed to provide separate funding to help develop messenger RNA vaccines. According to a report from Reuters Gates said in 2011 that “Vaccines are one of the best investments that we can make in the future “How did he know that!?
The Gates Broadcasting Company and Propaganda
Gates has certainly made sure of it through his aiding of media propaganda touting the benefits of the mRNA vaccine through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donating millions of dollars to the British Broadcasting Company (BBC).
Despite being the United Kingdom’s public service broadcaster, ‘BBC Media Action’ received funding consistently for years from the Gates Foundation but in 2019 this accounted for 99 per cent of their private funding and in the plandemic years those donations had risen to between 2 and 3 million dollars per annum (source).
The BBC states that it prides itself on impartiality, but how can it remain impartial when they are accepting millions from Bill Gates who seems to have dominated the media market, perhaps to help his marketing of vaccines seem objective (BBC funding).
Getting Out of Our Heads
The people of the UK have been psychologically attacked for decades by their own government. The state has withdrawn from and even dismantled many areas of social life including housing and health increasing misery and growing despair have been the result, particularly for the most deprived. The government has favoured private enterprise, flexible markets and global competitiveness over the well being of the UK citizens. Now that they have beaten us down the government can act with impunity by following directions and orders from Gates et al who have a raison d'être - to control the world in a New World Order, in other words, throwing us into a tyrannical dictatorship.
Now the people living at the mercy of traitorous leaders adopt fatalism and short-termism which according to sociologist Pierre Bourdieu is the result of being unable to control what is happening in our lives. We need to have a release from all that is going on and live for today; sometimes we just have to get out of our heads!