• The Breakdown

    The Doomsday Clock, which has been ticking for 77 years, attempts to gauge how close humanity is to destroying the world. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which created the clock in 1947 says that Midnight represents the moment at which humans will have made Earth uninhabitable. Recently the clock was set at 90 seconds to midnight – the closest to the hour it has ever been.

  • Apocalypse - The Cides.jpg


    Driven by selfish uncaring acts of humankind, planet Earth is at the start of a Sixth Mass Extinction. Overpopulation, pollution and deforestation are accelerating natural climate change, causing soil erosion, poisoning the air we breathe and making ever more scarce natural sources of water undrinkable.

  • Wakeup America

    A song that moved with the times

  • The Rebel

    The Rebel was written in recognition of a brave protest by 70,000 people in Leipzig, East Germany on 9th October 1989 calling for freedom and democracy.

  • This Being Human

    This song is about waking people up to the efforts of Gates and Co. to turn us into androids and the importance of love and being human. If we don't resist, this could be the end of the human race.

  • Feeling Lucky

    This is a song about people toeing the line and risking serious damage to their health, sometimes with devastating consequences.

  • Out of my Head

    This song is about a guy I observed at Bristol train station, a ticket clerk who lost his job to a machine.

  • Black Flag

    “Tear down these walls dividing us all as one people. No Religion no State sowing dark seeds of hate among people. Break out a Black Flag.”

  • Red Light Situation

    It’s time to take back power we have surrendered to 'governments' who have ceased to make decisions in our best interests.

  • Wakeup England

    A song that moved with the times

  • That's Not Love

    It’s 1979, The Pretenders have just released Brass in Pocket and I'm totally in love with Chrissie Hynde.

  • Forgive & Forget at Christmas

    “This song has been an amazing journey for me.”

    The Cides founder and lead vocalist Paul Hayward